"Patrick "Kitten" Braden: And the other thing about the Phantom Lady was, Bert, she realized, in the city that never sleeps...
Bertie: What did she realize, Kitten?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs.
Bertie: What's wrong with that?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had...
Bertie: Where?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto"
Breakfast on Pluto, (ler mais no IMDB)
"They say Japan was made by a sword. They say the old gods dipped a coral blade into the ocean, and when they pulled it out four perfect drops fell back into the sea, and those drops became the islands of Japan. I say, Japan was made by a handful of brave men. Warriors, willing to give their lives for what seems to have become a forgotten word: honour."
Simon Graham, The Last Samurai (ler mais no IMDB)
"Just a dog? Porthos dreams of being a bear, and you want to shatter those dreams by saying he's just a dog? What a horrible candle-snuffing word. That's like saying, "He can't climb that mountain, he's just a man", or "That's not a diamond, it's just a rock." Just."
J.M.Barrie, Finding Neverland (ler mais no IMDB)
"You think you're telling me something? Like, what, boxing is dangerous, something like that? You don't think working triple shifts and at night on a scaffold isn't just as likely to get a man killed? What about all those guys who died last week living in cardboard shacks to save on rent money just to feed their family, 'cause guys like you have not quite figured out a way yet to make money off of watching that guy die? But in my profession - and it is my profession - I'm a little more fortunate."
Jim Braddock, Cinderella Man (ler mais no IMDB)
"There's plenty of money out there. They print more of it every day. But that ticket? There are only five of them in the world, and that's all there's ever going to be. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money. Are you a dummy?"
Grandpa George, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (ler mais no IMDB)
"When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome... and then, of course, you spoke."
Carol, As Good as It Gets (ler mais no IMDB)
"You wear black 'cause you can't find anything else to wear? You found your sound 'cause you can't play no better? You just tried to kiss me because "it just happened?" You should try take credit for something every once in a while, John."
June Carter, Walk the Line (ler mais no IMDB)
Bertie: What did she realize, Kitten?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs.
Bertie: What's wrong with that?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had...
Bertie: Where?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto"
Breakfast on Pluto, (ler mais no IMDB)
"They say Japan was made by a sword. They say the old gods dipped a coral blade into the ocean, and when they pulled it out four perfect drops fell back into the sea, and those drops became the islands of Japan. I say, Japan was made by a handful of brave men. Warriors, willing to give their lives for what seems to have become a forgotten word: honour."
Simon Graham, The Last Samurai (ler mais no IMDB)
"Just a dog? Porthos dreams of being a bear, and you want to shatter those dreams by saying he's just a dog? What a horrible candle-snuffing word. That's like saying, "He can't climb that mountain, he's just a man", or "That's not a diamond, it's just a rock." Just."
J.M.Barrie, Finding Neverland (ler mais no IMDB)
"You think you're telling me something? Like, what, boxing is dangerous, something like that? You don't think working triple shifts and at night on a scaffold isn't just as likely to get a man killed? What about all those guys who died last week living in cardboard shacks to save on rent money just to feed their family, 'cause guys like you have not quite figured out a way yet to make money off of watching that guy die? But in my profession - and it is my profession - I'm a little more fortunate."
Jim Braddock, Cinderella Man (ler mais no IMDB)
"There's plenty of money out there. They print more of it every day. But that ticket? There are only five of them in the world, and that's all there's ever going to be. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money. Are you a dummy?"
Grandpa George, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (ler mais no IMDB)
"When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome... and then, of course, you spoke."
Carol, As Good as It Gets (ler mais no IMDB)
"You wear black 'cause you can't find anything else to wear? You found your sound 'cause you can't play no better? You just tried to kiss me because "it just happened?" You should try take credit for something every once in a while, John."
June Carter, Walk the Line (ler mais no IMDB)
é sempre dificil dizer seja o que for às pessoas que gostamos, porque queremos que seja sempre especial... neste caso não queria escrever "just" another comment... queria escrever alguma coisa especial!
Não sei ser objectiva, não gosto dum filme porque tem uma optima banda sonora, ou excelente fotografia, ou ate porque o actor ou actriz é muito conhecido ou está na moda (nem tao pouco sei se são estes os termos correctos)... gosto ou deixo de gostar pelo que estes me fazem sentir... e é talvez essa a razao de eu comentar este post e não outro qualquer... porque em cada citaçao existe algo que de alguma forma mexe connosco,e muitas destas mexem comigo...fazem-me até pensar na sorte que tenho por ser quem sou, por ter quem tenho mais até do que por ter o que tenho...e sentir que por um momento sou especial...é talvez esta a magia dos filmes...e esteja quem estiver a ver connosco o mesmo filme aquele momento e mesmo o que sentimos quando o vemos é unico e é nosso! e faz-nos pensar e sentir mesmo depois de sair da sala de cinema... não é outra coisa! É mesmo magia!
peço desde ja desculpa por este comment não ser "a diamond, it's just a rock"... e por ser tão simples mas i'm "just a man"... ;)
beijos* e continuem*
Anónimo, at 10:53 da tarde
Olá *fairy*!
E dizes tu que não sabes falar de filmes?
Também o que escreveste é mágico no mesmo sentido em que o descreves – mexe connosco! :)
Eu diria que o cinema nos permite conhecer bocadinhos de outras vidas (pedaços de espelho), dando origem, por consequência, à reflexão acerca da nossa; falar sobre isso só pode resultar numa reflexão mais rica, mais completa, mais significada… mais mágica!
(E de que riqueza estaremos a falar se se trata de “cozinhar” ingredientes como a honra, o sonho, a perseverança, o investimento, a frontalidade (?) e a realidade, por exemplo?!)
Muito obrigada pela tua participação e reforço!
Continua a aparecer e a estender o que se sente “na sala de cinema” a este cantinho!
Unknown, at 11:13 da tarde
Olá a ambas!
Não poderia estar mais de acordo!
Nesta extensão de uma sala de cinema, neste cantinho, podem ser - e são - discutidas mais do que as películas, os plots, os desempenhos, as histórias... creio convinctamente que acabamos por expôr um pouco de nós, da Aspirante, da Whisper, da Fairy e de todos os outros que já por aqui participaram e de todos aqueles que estão sedentos de conhecer-nos e dar a conhecer-se - vá, não se coíbam =) - utilizando, deste modo, o cinema como veículo.
Desde as preferências às repulsas, dos encantos às desilusões, de facto parece-me que a cada viagem iniciada desde o titulo do filme até ao seu genérico final, talhamos o nosso mais íntimo self, seja numa gargalhada, num virar de cara porque nos assustamos ou na palpitação mais forte do coração que porventura acaba por soltar aquela lágrima... Genuinamente, somos trasportados para os filmes, deixamo-nos lá ficar e por lá ficamos, creio eu, já bem depois de este acabar, seja quando nos recordamos de uma quote que nos arrepiou, seja quando procurarmos ou somos, sincronisticamente, confrontados com quem, como nós, odiou ou adorou aquela história.
Desde a esfera intrapesoal até à interpessoal, o cinema faz parte e influencia - em diferentes medidas, é certo - o quotidiano de qualquer ser humano,invariavelmente. Esta é para mim, a "magia" do cinema.
Anónimo, at 3:54 da tarde
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